Thursday, February 26, 2009


I've been having really weird dreams lately. I should probably stop drinking wine right before bed. A few nights ago I dreamed that Mickey (my beloved cat) was torn apart in a fight. He was walking around afterward and meowing and his flesh was just hanging from his bones. It was so gross. I woke up and had to go find him and make sure he was okay.
The night before that I dreamed that I was pregnant. Even though that's physically impossible, it wasn't impossible in my dream. I was at the hospital ready to give birth but while I was there I felt the baby kick for the first time. Clearly I wasn't ready to deliver so the doctor sent me home.
Last night I had a dream about Nathan. we were at a Lee basketball game and I was sitting next to him at the commentator's table. I asked him how he was doing and he said, 'well, do you want the true version or the happy version?' I said, 'tell me something good that happened this week.' He told me several funny stories and I remember just gazing at him with so much love and compassion, the way I would if he was my real brother and not just my brother in Christ.
It took a few minutes to realize that it was a dream when I woke up. I miss him so much and I feel like there's no one to talk to about it. Maybe that's why I'm dreaming it instead.