Thursday, January 15, 2009


I'm not very consistent yet, huh?

Tennessee schools are closed tomorrow because it's cold out. Really? If my school had closed every time it dropped below 20, we would have had a 3 month long Christmas vacation.

It's been a pretty good week. Usually this is the worst week of the year. College football is officially over, it's really really cold, and busy season is about to start. But right now I'm watching The Office for the third time tonight, it's almost the weekend, and I'm going to Snowshoe next weekend.

Last week was not so good. One of my closest friends passed away on Wednesday after a life-long struggle with Cystic Fibrosis. I can't figure out if I'm okay or just still in denial. I do know that God's peace and comfort is overwhelming. The night he died, I stood by his bed and held his hand for about thirty minutes. I don't know if he knew we were there, but I just wanted him to know how much I loved him and would miss him.
Nathan's youth pastor spoke at his funeral and said in 12 years, Nathan did not complain about having CF one time. Not once. I complain every time I get a cold. His life is such an inspiration. He has touched more lives in 27 years than most people do in a lifetime.
I know he is happier now than we could ever imagine. Nathan would not come back now if he could. But if he did, I believe he would tell us to stop worrying about things that have no eternal significance and focus our lives on loving people and showing them the love of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl! I found your blog by accident. Yah! I feel the same way, not sure if im ok or just in denial. I am for sure coming down in March for the walk. Here's to happier visits to Cleveland. Praying for you!

